The Walking Photog is a blog dedicated to inspiring creativity for myself, and maybe other people one day...
Too many times I have walked past something interesting and beautiful and while taking a second or even a third look I fail to pull out this fancy all-too-expensive piece of equipment and snap a photo to remember the shiny moment. Most days I feel like Dori from Finding Nemo, ooh something shiny! as I am being drug off by another thought in this cavern of a brain I have. Classic Vannah, yep! Classic Vannah needs to turn into "Shiny Moment Capturing Bad Ass V", long overly glorious name? Yep. Am I making myself a long overly glorious name tag for my photo adventures, YEP!
Thinking about it, not only do photos inspire but they also remind. Yesterday I ran across a sweet photo of my husband and I while we were on one of our very first vacations together (pre-marriage, hell pre-22 years old!) and it reminded me of some of the best times of my life. What are the chances I would have thought of that vacation again? My guess, NEVER. Aw, weren't we so cute? I was skinny with red hair, and he... well shoot, he always looks like that HANDSOME AS EVER! Why do men age well, and women don't? Ugg... there's a topic for a whole separate blog in itself.
The adventure? A twice weekly blog, why only twice weekly you ask? I'm way too non-committal for something as demanding as a daily blog! Why lie, Dori still lurks inside:) The blog will contain photos from my daily adventures, even if they aren't so snazzy and shiny. Ill note that some of the best photos I've created have came from the monotony of daily life. I also plan to add any interesting photo articles, blog posts, or books I have read that are particularly appealing to me in those few days between blog postings. What I'm hoping to do is improve my creativity and see the beauty in life again! Just think about this, you now only have 4 days at the most before your eyes meet my words again! YEEEESSSS! (Imagine Napoleon Dynamite vocals here:))
The Walking Photog, OUT!
I love this girl! It screams Vannah!