Normally a group of guys this "touchy feely" would be going to see Cher in what would be her final final 10th final tour (isnt she dead yet? nope) in sequenced shirts with their jazz hands ready to go, yet, they head to the ice, slip on their hockey skates and padding, grab their sticks (pun intended), and go break shit. Really. Break. Shit. I wholeheartedly love these dudes, never once have any of them treated me like anything but their sister, they are a blast to be around, and emit that feeling of family love when they are all together... well, its total dysfunctional family love, but its love nonetheless. This past weekend this team of brothers Hulk smashed the hearts of three hockey teams to win their division championship, and the best part? They won in the name of a little boy who is battling cancer. Good dudes. Really flippin good dudes. In light of their good deeds to raise funds for Aiden (excuse the spelling if its wrong) they have raised my interest in also helping this little guy, all of the photos for this weekends tournament will be available for download on my site (see link below) and Ill donate ALL proceeds from the downloads to Aiden's battle against cancer. So, help the little dude, help yourselves, and go buy some photos, then have your family go buy some photos.
Phiten members take the time to revel in these photos, they are all my favorites from the day, and then go to my site and look at the lot of 134 images awaiting your peepers. Well done Phiten, well done.
Digital downloads are $5.00 each and DO NOT have the watermark, so you can re-print them as you like, or if you choose to order prints they are available as well in a wide range of sizes.
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