
Madd Maddox and my Obsession with B&W's

Traditionally I dont shoot and blog the shoot a week later. After the shoot I deliver the photos, let the client send out their announcements, or whatever the shoot was for, then a week after I blog about the work. But this, couldn't wait. There are no announcements being sent, only photos shared with an agency for this little handsome boys' possible future in modeling. Could. Not. Wait. This guy was intense, full of energy, and fun. I hope these photos are what he needs to make his life his own. BTW, Im totally and completely obsessed with black and whites, as you will notice.


Holy Roll-HER

OMG. No, wait! Oh. Her. God. That's right, this gal is pledging nearly 2 years to her beliefs, to the love of her God and her religion. That's flipping moving, and this coming from a person whom isn't religious in the teeniest tiny bit. Her pledge, her time and love, my pledge, these bomb photos. There are no words that can describe the feeling of achievement I feel when looking at these. I nearly cried. They turned out so beautiful, of this beautiful girl, and her beautiful love, its ridiculous. Her love of her beliefs show here, they elate her, they fulfill her, and I caught them in these amazing little moments. It. Is. Epic.


LA Center of Photography Flash Workshop 3/23/2014

Wow, I am terrible at posting photos of my own adventures in a timely manner! I went to one of the best workshops I have ever attended in March 2014, a workshop solely dedicated to learning how to use flash, and failed to share it on the blog. Flash, such a hard subject for any photographer to grasp, and luckily in the digital age we can take a photo, see its results, and adjust accordingly. Even with these technological advances I was still struggling with flash, it eluded me, and frustrated me, so I decided to do something about it. Flash Class was on Sunday 3/23/14 in Hollywood, I drove down from Las Vegas the night before and spent the night with my grams, got up really early Sunday to make the drive from Hesperia to Hollywood for this class, and boy was it worth the effort. Walking into the class I immediately felt out of place, seated were 15 or so class mates and in front of them piles and piles of ridiculously expensive top of the line photography equipment. My and my little mid-grade Canon felt like the Mini in race full of Mercedes and Beamers, we were a hell of a competitor and surely I am a hell of a driver, but the flash and features of my little camera were not comparable. I sat next to the other Canon shooters and immediately introduced myself to the women seated near me, sadly I cant remember their real names because I didn't blog sooner, but one of them was a older woman with a 5DMIII who loves travel photography (we will refer to her as Nancy) and another lady that has a food blog and a very snazzy Canon 5DMII herself (we will refer to her as Betsy). I am significantly younger and have far less life experiences under my belt than Nancy and Betsy so I did enjoy our discussion before the workshop started, and I found it astonishing that Nancy has never been paid for her photo work, and neither of the women have ever done a portrait session, wedding, etc... Betsy does have a food blog and that is amazing, but no real experience outside of that. So me with my puny little mid-grade Mini has more seat time that both these women with very very fancy expensive cameras, hello confidence booster! I'm now not so shy, or embarrassed of the Mini and my skill set!! Shortly after introducing myself to Nancy and Betsy Brian plopped in the seat next to me, and immediately I liked him. Brian is one of those people you can just look at and like, not because oh how he looks or what he wears, but simply the energy he exudes and the genuine smile he gives people. I knew the moment Brian sat down he would be my PIC (partner in crime) through this workshop and that we would be friends, and we were partners, and now friends.

The workshop starts, and my photo world is changed forever.  One of the highlights of this workshop was that I got to meet Julia Dean, she is amazing, really, you should look up her work. The other highlight was the information presented, we were taught a idea and then let out into the wild to test the idea. With Brian by my side we had a lot of fun, we learned inside lighting, fill flash, bounce flash, and how to implement flash into every possible way.  The photos below are certainly not my best work ever, but a sample of the ideas we were taught and we tested on our own. This course has thrown my work into another realm of awesomeness, and I have since shot one of the best wedding receptions of my career immediately following this course. This course has since changed my work, my creative flow, and has taken my level of skill to amazing heights, overall id say it was life changing.    

One little story I must mention, only because it dug deep into my soul and hurt my feelings 10 fold involves Nancy, Negative Nancy... This woman with all her fancy gear still shoots in auto mode, no real concept of how the camera or flash works, she was slow to change her settings, and was very needy as a workshop neighbor interrupting me, Brian, and Betsy constantly with questions about her own equipment. To be honest, Negative Nancy needed a more beginner course in photography to learn her equipment before taking such an advance course, regardless of this fact we all helped her maneuver through this challenging workshop. During the lecture, post her interrupting the 3 of us several times, Negative Nancy had the gall to tell me to "SHUSSH, keep quiet" during the lecture. Lets rewind this story a bit, during ANY class I have ever taken in the past 15 years, admittedly, I am very verbal, I nod when I understand a idea, I say yes when I'm excited that I understand the topic, and interact with the teacher, this is how I learn as annoying as it may be. Negative Nancy "shusshed" me, which was completely rude and hurt my feelings but I realized maybe I was being too loud and from that point forward I kept my mouth shut though I did continue nodding my head at the teacher (I cant keep all my learning awesomeness to myself!). After that section of the workshop we had a break where she came up to me and actually asked me "why do you do that in class? it was interrupting my learning. Where did you learn to do that? Who taught you it was ok to do that??" Really??? That's how I learn lady, and clearly it works because YOU ASK ME FOR HELP ALL CLASS!!!!!!! Just because you are older than I am doesn't mean you get to be rude to me, however, being raised as I was I am not impolite to older people so I kindly said "I don't know, I interact with the teacher and make noise and it helps me learn. I do apologize it was interrupting your train of thought and Ill keep it down" and I walked away. Now, I am not saying I was right to be making noise and interrupt her train of thought, regardless of the fact that it was completely unintentional and not malicious in any way, I immediately ceased my noise action, but for her to ask where I learned to do that, from who, and why do I do that was SO FLIPPING RUDE! The rest of the class I ignored all of her questions and during our workshop outings I avoided her like the black plague, even though she would come up to me and Brian and ask for assistance.  The moral of the story, just be kind. I feel good that I wasn't a rude a-hole to her, even though she deserved it, I kept true to how I was raised and I responded in a way that would have made my mother and grandmother proud. I also felt great knowing that my equipment is in now way a tell tale of the quality of work I produce or my skill set, sure, I have camera envy but that doesn't mean a damn thing.


Sad day, RIP Reggie "Bubbs" Ames

Last Monday, 6/2/2014, my parents and I put down our fuzzy friend of 16 years. It was a sad day, a really really sad day. Why am I blogging about this sadness? To remind you all that life is short, and you should take more photos and write things down to remember the things that are forgotten over the years.

Bubbs, you will always be remembered by me in this way:

Your spots were second to no other dalmatian, you wore them proud.

Your grill, bud, the best i've ever seen. Ill miss that heart warming toothy smile you gave me every time I saw your sweet face.

Your bubbles, Bubbs when you got in the pool, laid on the first step of the cool pool then immersed your snout and blew bubbles... what dog does that? You did, and Ill never forget it.

Hey Bub, you remember that one time you tried to eat Zack? Yea, I still remember that day, and it was hilarious. Or what about that time you snaked the cheese? Yea, I know you remember... mom was making broccoli cheese soup on one side of the kitchen, I was grating the cheese on the other side, I went to the rest room and came back to a licked clean cutting board and thought mom had used the cheese... come to find out it was you, sneaky devil! How about that time you ate 6 frozen chicken breasts from the kitchen counter and was a farty mc goo all night? That was funny too! Remember that Christmas Thad and I crashed in the guest room and we let you sleep in the room with us only to wake to you in the bed between us under the covers at our feet, SERIOUS BAT SNEAK dude!!! OMG, that was hilarious!

Your favorite beer, Coors Light. You used to steal full beer cans, then figured out how to drink them without spilling a drop. Hilarious Bubs, flipping hilarious! You remember your first hangover? I do, poor guy! The night before we had so many beers go missing and none of us figured out it was you the whole time til you stumbled into the garage walking sideways afraid of your own shadow.

You loved the water, steak, potatoes, beer, your family, your oasis of a yard, in a weird way your very licky bitchy jack russel sisters, your dog house, your beer garden get away, your fireplace, your treats, and definitely your mama. Your mama took such good care of you those past few years, making sure her little spotted fuzzy man got the meds he needed to be the always happy boy you were each day.

Bubbs, you will be missed dearly... you are missed now. Maybe Ill see you again though Im not thinking it will be today, but if we get to meet again Id love a flash of those pearly whites and know my heart is a little more spotted with you in there.

You will be missed buddy. RIP Reggie "Bubbs" Ames 8/1/1999 - 6/2/2014


Miracle in Progress

Today was the day, the day to find out the sex of baby "Bean" Ames, and I was invited to the viewing party. Really? I get to document this moment in this little family's history? Yep! This is such a special time for this little budding family as it's d-day for the sex of the baby and dad's birthday, it was also a monumental time for all the extended family and friends that were invited to be a part of the baby magic and memories. I must say the venue was awesome, 4 couches for friends and family to view from, a table for mama, a chair for daddy, and the ultimate mama bear aphrodisiac... the ultra sound machine. So, is Bean a boy or a girl? You will just have to view the images to see for yourself.

This is the moment, the new parents hear if they are brewing a boy or girl and Ill bet by dads face you can guess what it is...

eff. this photo kills me. my favorite from the shoot.

Happy Grandmothers! This photo makes me teary eyed, and is one of new absolute favorites.

Grandma and grandaughter

Baby Bean is a BOY!!!!!