Ok, so first, what is I Do V2? Well, its a second chance at your wedding day! It's a new fun sesh I'm offering couples that either had no wedding photography on their big day or just want to re-fresh their wedding album for a special relationship milestone, etc.... Ladies, that means you get to go shopping, get your hair done, and get all spiffy for that special guy in your life, and then have it all captured again without the thousands spent on a whole big to-do party. Its just you and you guy, me and my camera. Pretty sweet deal Ill say:)
October 2010, jeans, t-shirts, and wedding vows in a Las Vegas wedding chapel. These two had no time for frills, family, friends, or a honeymoon, they got married, spent that one night away from their kids, then headed back to reality the next day as man and wife. With six children, yes, 6, seis, shisha, sechs, sei, zes, SIX, they quite literally had no time for themselves, marriage was on the menu and they ate it up... real quick like. 5 years fast forward, the kids are awesome and more self-sufficient than before so mom and dad could steal away some time for themselves and we did this. THIS. If I ever want to do one thing in my life its this.
These two took the afternoon, and it was a long afternoon, to indulge in my every "hey, stop there!" or "look at that background" or "Z, I want to see your Blue Steel face", and we ended up with something pretty amazing. See, 5 years into your marriage you are very familiar with the person you are married to, like ridiculously familiar, you know their best qualities and try to your best to manage their worst, and you love them regardless of when they fart on you, or snore, or are extremely intolerable with their cuteness, and then you end up falling in love with them again around year 5 (true story, my story actually). These two are that, very much in love at 5 years, so much so that I couldn't get them to NOT smile... talk about a tough serious crowd:) Feast your pixel lovin eyes upon Z&C's wedding photos, 5 years late but you know what they say about being late...
Look at this girl, so dang gorg without a stitch of makeup on.
This steals my soul, really the moments between them were perfect.

YES!!!!!! This is one of my favies from the session!
This is the response when I say to stop smiling... lol!
Yes! The LIGHHHHTTTT!!!!!!! Ahhhh, it was perfect.
Holy HOT MAMA! Look at this gorgeous girl! That HAIR, its on fire!!!!
That face:) I just love her.
Into their next 5 years they go, happily, lovely, and wonderfully.